Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fat Dogs and Hats

Sheesh . . . I tell you! There's got to be something we can do! Now that i'm married, I've put on weight.

It's probably all that sitting around chewing on hats with my dog.

Grrrr, it's a Ruffff life.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pauldings and Camp Tuhsmeheta

Hey readers!

I state my address with a bit of a chuckle as I'm not too sure that we have too many readers out there. If anyone is reading this: thanks for taking an interest in our lives. One of the reasons we started this blog is to communicate and share with people details about our lives that they wouldn't normally get a look at. We'd love to hear from you whether you read or not.

So, last weekend, Jacalyn and I went to Camp Tuhsmeheta, a camp for blind kids in West Michigan. It was an interesting trip for us as we both used to be employed with the camp and spent a great deal of our time and energy towards shaping and improving the camp and it's programs. Camp T also holds a special place in our hearts because it's where we met and also where we were engaged to be married--pretty important times in our short lives.

We enjoyed this past weekend a great deal, even though it was a bit difficult to slip into "participant" roles instead of our usual leadership roles. WE left for home on Sunday happy we were going back to our normal lives in the city, but sad that we had to leave our old one behind, again. Here's as picture of all the participants in the "Family Camp Talent Show" that took place Saturday night. I sang my usual mustang sally.

Not a great picture, but definitely gives you an idea of the montliness of the crew! I"m up in the top left lookin' as cheerie as ever.

If you're interested, check out camp T's website:1

That's it for now, but keep posted!
--Tim Paulding

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tim's Take on the Blog

Well well well, I guess I am now too a "blogger." Like Jacalyn, I never thought I'd be one either! But, this is sort of fun . . . writing about myself and my loved ones! Humm, I guess Jackie would consider me one of those people who blog because they are pre-occupied with themselves! Ha.

Here are a few things that are happening in our lives right now:

1. We're closing on our house in 3 Weeks!

2. We are sitting in our crappy rental right now, sweating to death on our computers with no AC.

3. Bella is chewing on a toy and making weird noises.

4. I'm dripping sweat.

Stay tuned for many many interesting blogs from the Pauldings.

Thursday June 5, 2008 ( We've caved to the trend

I never thought I would be a "blogger" To be honest the idea of it always seemed kind of arrogant to me( thinking my life is interesting enough that somebody else would use their life time to observe it) but I have changed my mind. I know we don't have kids yet so we aren't very interesting

we do have a cat and bird eating Bellalicious

I got a haircut:)