Thursday, September 18, 2008


My office (this is Tim) has been flooded for the past three days. staff waded in on tuesday, but were told to discontinue this practice the next day by the health department. The first floor of our office is okay as it is up a few feet from the ground level. The basement, however, is completely flooded. We also have a community building that we use for meetings and peer support groups; this building was completely flooded as well.

The flooding was caused by a HUGE rain shower we had a few days ago. The downpour lasted almost three days. Our office is located in a "flood plane" so says my boss and nobody was really surprised that this happened. There is probably only an eight block square in kalamazoo that was flooded. There were no deaths or injuries reported. Wow, pretty wild though, eh? here's some pics:

Tour Our First Home!

Finally, Finally, we've put together a little video complete with music and titles to give everyone a look at our new home. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tim, Bella, and the TReadmill

WE've just recently made a BIG purchase for our household. Now that we are married, eating quite a bit and have nice desk jobs, we've ben putting on a bit of weight . . . and so has our doggy, Bella! Here's a little video and a couple pictures to illustrate what we';re trying to do about it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

American Idol--MULTIMEDIA!!!

In our last blog post (about a month ago) Jacalyn did an exquisite job of describing our american idol experience in New York City. Although we wish we were able to upload video and pictures to go with this blog, things just didn't happen like that. So, at last, we've managed to get these to you! Hopefully, these pics and videos will be entertaining and help to illustrate our experiences during this exciting time!

Beginning our trip at the airport in Kalamazoo . . .

Jackie in times square!

Tim on Broadway right near our hotel!

Tim and Jackie outside IZOD center, the audition spot for American Idol:

WE hope very much that you enjoyed this MULTIMEDIA American idol blog . . . there's lots more pictures to come about much much more . . . until then!