Thursday, April 30, 2009

Greetings from "Deepest Darkest Africa"

So, only three days into my visit and already I am behind on my blogging. SHEESH, I don't know how all of you do it that blog very regularly.

So, First of all Chicago.

The world's BEST husband and I got on a train on Saturday morning and headed to Chicago. It was a beautiful morning and i was in great spirits because TIm had all the heavy luggage. We stayed at The Hilton Palmer House ( Got a great deal on hotwire) Right in the heart of downtown Chicago. After getting off the train and walking a few blocks Tim miraculously spotted a Starbucks( I think they implanted a chip in his brain ) and we stoppef ro a cup of Chino ( HI MAUREEN:) hehe anyway, it was one of those times when I just life just seems so blissful and right, exams were over, I had my husband and it was a gorgeous spring day.

After checking in we headed out, across the street, to Milennium park where it began to sprinkle( it won't last long we were SURE of it) so we kept on trecking up Michigan toward the Magnificant mile but UGG the rain got heavier and heavier, we ended up running into a fancy expensive mall where we couldn't afford anything BUT we stopped at the Nordstrom's Cafe anyway and shared a brownie and a Red Velvet cupcake, OH MY WORD!!!! YUMMM

The rain let up, and we headed back out but alas, it KEPT COMING BACK HARDER! So after Tim spent about 2 hours at the Eddie Bower store finding his "perfect backpack" we went and saw the Soloist, the movie was pretty good but Tim's entire experience was RUINED when the popcorn didn't have real butter. I guess he is spoiled by After dinner at Gino's East we jumped in a cab and headed back to our beautiful OLD but GORGEOUS and newly renovated hotel.

The next day Tim (Have I mentioned he is the World's BEST husband)? rode all the way out to O'hare with me on the blue line, helped me to get checked in and then snuck past security( No of course we didn't pretend he was sighted so he could 'help' his poor blind wife through security and go eat at Wolfgang Pucks' ) He then walked me to the gate SOO sweet.

My actual trip was SOOO long ( a 17 hour layover in Madrid) and about 44 hours of total travel time but I arrived safely and soundly on Tuesday evening. I will update tomorrow night about my time since I have been here.

I cannot put photos up at the moment because I need a cable I don't have, I apologie for the BORING text.

Love from Durban, South Africa.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Falling on the face of the Blog Planet

I truely admire those faithful bloggers who persevere and write every few days. I had the grandest intentions when we started this blog, and yet, just like so many things in life, my intentiosn have not lead to follow through. So, a VERY brief update of what has happened in our lives since the last post.

Tim buys Jackie an hour long massage for her 28th birthday. AWESOME! and ADDICTIVE...Tim is voted World's BEST husband.

October- Jackie Applies to Grad School at Western Michigan University. Tim appies for a job at Bigg's Gilmore Communications ( an internet marketing company) to become an IT guy, something he has "always" wanted to do.

On Octobe 28th, 2008 Albert Francis Paulding, TIm's Father, passed away. Tim's dad was the kind of guy who could build a television with spare parts, who never wasted ANYTHING, who enjoyed the simple things in life. He was the kind of guy who built his son a tandem bicycle from random parts, who convinced his stubborn 14 year old son that he wanted to shave his pink mohawk off. He was brilliant, kind, caring and helped to raise "the World's BEST husband" We miss him dearly , think about him daily and we are grateful that he has found peace with an everlasting Father in heaven.

November- Jackie is accepted to Graduate school. She resigns from her job at ASK.

Jackie's parents visit for Thanksgiving. Highlights include a 4:00am black Friday shopping trip to buy a MASSIVELY big Flatscreen TV, yummy Thanksgiving food and a fun trip to the casino. We loved you guys visiting.

December- Tim starts his new job at Bigg's Gilmore Communication and leaves Disability Network.

The Paulding's celebrate their 1st anniversary.

We visit Wyoming for Christmas, FREEZING TO FREEZING! but have a great time watching 394 free movies, eating 4,324 lbs of free popcorn and eating enough junkfood to well gain about 10 lbs.

January- Jackie starts grad school. Working on a dual Master's in Rehabilitation Teaching and Rehabilitation Counseling.

it snows and snows and snows and snows

February- hmm, not much happened in February. haha

March- Tim decides A. he, in fact, does NOT want to be an IT guy and that he has had enough of the corporate world. He says good-bye to Biggs and returns to where hsi heart is, Disability Network.

Jackie continues to be neurotic about school work.

April- Tim's Family visits from Washington. Highights include lots of yummy food, a trip to Ann Arbor, a Piston's game for the boys, some exploring around Kalamazoo and a poker night. WE LOVE HAVING YOU GUYS VISIT!

Tim has applied to Grad School, isnt' it AWESOME how god steers our lives? He had his interview on Wednesday and things are lookin GOOD!

and well, there is our lives for the past 7-9 months. We used to always say that things would settle down some day but now I have realized we would be bored to tears if they ever did. We are both overscheduled and slightly crazy but maybe that is why we work so well together.

and so that takes us to why I have actually reactivated the blog...I am leaving For South Africa on Sunday, haven't been back in 3 years. I will be there 4 weeks, spend time with friends, work at higher ground and help to run a camp for adults who are Blind. I am super excited ( though I will definitely miss "the world's BEST husband like crazy" I am hoping to use this blog to update people about what I am up too in Africa on a fairly regular basis.

So, keep checking back and THANKS FOR READING